The A+ Core Series includes updates across the entire set of skills needed by a technical support professional, including:
More security. There is a general expansion of baseline security topics core to the IT support role. For example, there is an increased emphasis on physical versus logical security concepts and measures. Social engineering – previously condensed with a general security topic in the 900 series – now has its own objective. Malware detection and removal receives greater emphasis with the ability to detect and remove malware specified at a task level, ie, candidates must be able to do, rather than at a knowledge level. Device hardening is expanded beyond just PCs to include computing devices more generally.
A dramatically different approach in defining competency in IT operations. The Operational Procedures domain now includes objectives covering best practices for using knowledge bases and documenting incidents. Foundational skills in change management, basic disaster prevention and recovery, and privacy concerns, including GDPR and handing PII have been added. The basics of scripting also makes an appearance on the A+ Core Series. The ability to recognize different types of script files -- including Bash, Python and JavaScript among others – and to root out the basic function of a script are identified as required tech support competencies.
Networking and device connectivity are broadened. Cloud and virtualization now have their own domain. And, as the ability to access data has become core to productivity, troubleshooting connectivity across a myriad of devices receives greater weight in the Core series. For example, endpoint management solutions have been added as have networking protocols to support IoT devices, such as Zigbee and Z-wave.
How long will the old certification stay in market?
The CompTIA A+ 900 series (English language) will retire July 31, 2019. Exam translations in all other languages will retire December 2019. Individuals preparing to take the 900 series must complete both 901 and 902 before retirement. It is not possible to mix versions, so an individual cannot take 901 & 1002 and get certified
More Info : what jobs can i get with comptia a+
More security. There is a general expansion of baseline security topics core to the IT support role. For example, there is an increased emphasis on physical versus logical security concepts and measures. Social engineering – previously condensed with a general security topic in the 900 series – now has its own objective. Malware detection and removal receives greater emphasis with the ability to detect and remove malware specified at a task level, ie, candidates must be able to do, rather than at a knowledge level. Device hardening is expanded beyond just PCs to include computing devices more generally.
A dramatically different approach in defining competency in IT operations. The Operational Procedures domain now includes objectives covering best practices for using knowledge bases and documenting incidents. Foundational skills in change management, basic disaster prevention and recovery, and privacy concerns, including GDPR and handing PII have been added. The basics of scripting also makes an appearance on the A+ Core Series. The ability to recognize different types of script files -- including Bash, Python and JavaScript among others – and to root out the basic function of a script are identified as required tech support competencies.
Networking and device connectivity are broadened. Cloud and virtualization now have their own domain. And, as the ability to access data has become core to productivity, troubleshooting connectivity across a myriad of devices receives greater weight in the Core series. For example, endpoint management solutions have been added as have networking protocols to support IoT devices, such as Zigbee and Z-wave.
How long will the old certification stay in market?
The CompTIA A+ 900 series (English language) will retire July 31, 2019. Exam translations in all other languages will retire December 2019. Individuals preparing to take the 900 series must complete both 901 and 902 before retirement. It is not possible to mix versions, so an individual cannot take 901 & 1002 and get certified
More Info : what jobs can i get with comptia a+