Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How to know if a DDoS attack

Protocol attacks (sometimes also called state-exhaustion attacks) target a weakness in how a protocol operates. A well-known protocol attack is the SYN flood, which targets the three-way handshake mechanism in TCP. When a server receives a SYN packet, this is a signal to the server that another machine wants to open a TCP connection. The server will allocate some of its resources to this half-open connection, and send a SYN ACK packet back to the initiating machine. Under normal circumstances, the initiator will then send an ACK packet to the server, the three-way handshake is complete, and the machines will then exchange data.

US-CERT or the United States Computer Readiness Emergency Team has provided key guidelines on how to determine if an attack is imminent.
If the network performance degrades, especially when trying to open files stored on websites.
Failure to open a particular website
Problems opening any website
A higher than the customary volume of spam mail

There are newer DDoS techniques to watch out for. Such attacks include badly secured and unpatched IoT (Internet of Things) plug-and-play devices. These are highly vulnerable to traffic spikes. With threats always around the corner, network administrators and IT professionals must jointly work toward better security and DDoS mitigation. Despite the fact that several technologies exist to prevent various types of DDoS attacks, preventing one is a huge challenge.

In a SYN flood attack, an attacker sends a rapid succession of TCP SYN requests--typically from spoofed source IP addresses--to open a connection to a network server. The server sends SYN ACK packets back to the source addresses, which never reply with an ACK. The server keeps the half-open TCP connections around, using up resources, until the server is no longer able to accept any new connections.

 More Info: what is ddos


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