Monday, June 1, 2020

An Expedition to Fix a Social Problem

Karen Lord is a Barbadian writer with a science degree and a Ph.D. in the sociology of religion. After the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004, surviving Sri Lankan fishermen who lost their wives and children spoke candidly about trying to rebuild their society. Reading that news, Lord imagined the Caribbean becoming a whole planet that welcomes communities of interplanetary refugees.

In her book, interplanetary refugees from Sadiri organize a sociological expedition and DNA testing to help locate potential spouses. Much like a series of short Star Trek episodes, each meeting with another community teaches the expedition team more about themselves (while a lot goes wrong).

The Best of All Possible Worlds explores risks and human vulnerabilities. It’s also both a possible love story and a project manager’s nightmare.

Your product doesn’t matter if the company doesn’t know how they can use it.

“They have to care why you’re talking to them or you’re never going to move the needle at all,” she said.

Help potential customers connect the dots on what your product can do and explain why it will help them. When you’re doing your fact-finding on the company, listen to their needs and communicate in ways and terms that work for you and them.

“If people can understand their role in the project, they’re more likely to be engaged,” she said.

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